Roxas Studios Photography to Appear at Hub City Comic Con
Beautiful cosplay photos are NOT something that happens by accident. And while the cosplayer may have a beautiful presentation, the photographer can make or break how well the cosplay "reads" in still images.
Joining the massive list of celebrity guests appearing at Hub City Comic Con is Roxas Studios, which is a "Design, Motion Graphics, and VFX Studio based in Dallas, TX. They design for broadcast television, web, print, and live events."
If you're an aspiring cosplay model, these are the folks to talk to! We're told they'll be taking pictures of some of the high-quality cosplay we expect to see at Hub City Comic Con, as well as capturing some of the other special guests interacting with con-goers. To see their stunning work, head over to their Facebook page.
So far, here's the huge list of special guests and events Hub City Comic Con has planned for 2018:
- Overwatch voice actor Carolina Ravassa
- Red Power Ranger and Texas native Steve Cardenas
- WWE Hall of Famer Booker T
- The Take One Improv comedy group
- Neko Squared Maid Cafe and Escape Room
- Cosplayer Mika Nicole
- Cosplayer Dee Rich
- MCubed Cosplay
- R Squared Cosplay
- NYT Best-selling author A.G. Howard
- 'Dragon Ball' voice actor Stephanie Nadolny (Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT)
- 'Adult Swim' voice actor George Lowe (Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Robot Chicken)
- KCBD news nnchor and author Karen McCay
- Anime voice actor & content creator Cory J. Phillips
- Poet Laureate William Wenthe
For ticket information, a full event schedule and more, visit Hub City Comic Con's official website, and be sure to like them on Facebook for future updates. Download our free app, sign up for our newsletter and keep your eyes on this website for more epic Hub City Comic Con announcements.