Sleep Better Knowing That Texas Hospitals Are Prepared For Power Outages
Lubbock's decision to join ERCOT has left locals less than convinced that it was a good idea. Anxiety over the possibility of power outages has been felt throughout the community, but luckily you can put your mind at ease about one scenario because Texas hospitals are required to have backup generators in case of a major outage.
Many of us have loved ones that rely on care provided by our hospitals and it would be absolutely catastrophic if an entire hospital had to go without power. Nurses and healthcare providers may feel worried about patients in their critical care centers in the event of a power outage. Luckily, hospitals are protected by backup generators that could "theoretically run indefinitely" according to an article published by FOX 29, San Antonio.

The generators at Texas hospitals are tested monthly to make sure they are in working order, which is fantastic news for anyone that is feeling a little bit nervy about the new power grid situation. At least we know that some of the most vulnerable people will be protected by that safeguard.
ERCOT has asked that we try to limit our power usage so as not to overwhelm the system, and the hot summer months have us all wanting to do the exact opposite. The devastating power outage during the polar vortex has many of us not only questioning what the summer will hold, but also the upcoming winter. Hopefully, we can keep the lights on, but if we can't, at least we know the hospitals can.
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