Small Number Came Out For Lubbock Small Business Rolling Protest

Citizens of Lubbock organized on Saturday, April 18th, to protest the restrictions established by city and state-wide disaster declarations due to the threat of coronavirus outbreaks.
On Tuesday, April 14th, word of a mock funeral being organized began to circulate throughout the community. Within 18 hours, the event would be renamed, but still left many to avoid participating because of the way it was first rolled out, no pun intended.
We've asked for a list of businesses that chose to participate in the protest, but the only business willing to be known is Caprock Patriot. Some felt that by listing their business as a participant in the protest, they would be unfairly targeted by the community.
The rolling protest began just north of 50th St. at University Ave. and headed north to turn west on 34th St., which is where I caught up with the caravan of under 40 vehicles. Participants seemed jovial and proud to be demonstrating their freedom to assemble.
I'm a big proponent of first amendment rights, and having participated in organizing other protests, I'm usually glad seeing others do the same to enjoy the freedom we are allowed. But I couldn't get behind a display that mocks death. Period.
I wasn't surprised to see some of the attendees, such as Lubbock County Commissioner Jason Corley, but I was shocked when I was browsing the photos from the event and noticed this face:
Yes, that is Lubbock mayor Dan Pope. Now, I'm really confused. I was under the impression that Mayor Pope had the ability to wave a magic wand and, by doing so, he could open up the city to allow nonessential businesses to operate again.
I do know that the mayor opted to be interviewed by local TV journalists, so I'll reserve my comments about his being there for later. Our audience asked to know who participated, and that is the purpose of this writing.
Watch the protest above, and/or scroll through the photos of the event below.
I hope that the people who participated feel like they are being heard, but if the people who are making the decisions are showing up to protest the decisions then who in the heck is driving this pony?!
Lubbock Small Business Rolling Protest
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