What Do You Do About Someone Junking Up Your Lubbock Neighborhood?
I have a few people around my neighborhood like this.
I really don't fault these people. It often seems like something somewhat mental is happening. It's not like they have trash in their yards, they have things that to them are treasures.
I've been the guy who saved everything. At least I was good enough to keep it in boxes in my garage or in a shed in the backyard. I try to at least not let my problem become someone else's problem. I think it's just part of the unspoken part of being a neighbor.
Near my house are several really out-of-control people. I have not, and I personally will not take any form of action against them. I do on occasion wonder what they're doing to property values in the neighborhood.
One person looks like he just a. ran out of space and b. and never really thought about why it's not okay to have a raggedy, unkept garden taking up part of his front yard. A block over (even more not my business) there is a house that looks like one of those junk/antique stores where everything is on the front porch like you sometimes see in small towns.
There are some problems with these things beyond being eyesores. I'm fairly certain that a third neighbor's "treasures" are breeding grounds for both mice and feral cats (it's like the circle of life under construction supplies). I feel bad that the cats are born into this existence, but not bad enough to rat my neighbor out.
So here's the answer if you just can't take it. Call 311. 311 will get you the Lubbock Codes Department. They'll do what they can to try to sort your junky neighbor out. These things are known as a "public nuisance" so these people do have an ordinance and the city behind them.
I hope you are all good to your neighbors and things don't come to this, but on the other hand, I understand. Some of these things are hazardous and unfortunately must be dealt with.