I guess we're sitting on the cusp of what's promised to be a huge deportation process.


It's Not Working

From where I sit, we're just going to take a bunch of illegals on a free bus trip to visit their family, where they will immediately start planning to return. Its a cycle that's been going on forever, we're just going to make it a little more high-profile because of politics.


You might think mass-deportment is the way we need to go. Heck, for all you know, I might support that too. Here's the rub, you know what "cycle" means, right? It's not going to really mean anything other than billions spent in a very unserious way. This whole thing will stay a giant mess until we get rid of the reason why they come here.

It's The Jobs

Most illegals come to the U.S. for jobs. Yes, a tiny percentage are of the criminal variety, but if you want the masses to quit coming here, you have to attack the problem at the source. No one seems willing to say it out loud, but the people who employ the illegals need to be held accountable. Yup, it's tough to think of fining or jailing a farmer or a factory for employing illegals, but until we do, the illegals will keep coming.

Nothing Will Change

I am aware that there are immigration busts here and there, but they are few and far between and the target is the immigrants themselves. If you leave sugar lying around, you're going to get ants. People come to the U.S. for jobs, and as long as there's jobs, they're going to keep coming.

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