5 Things Coach Kingsbury Must Do Before 2018 Season
I am not the biggest football fan. I was in World Of Beer this past Friday night when the Washington/Washington State game came on. I did not know that football helmets had changed. *derp*
What I do know is promotion. It's my game. I've created promotions for everyone from Coors Light to Rob Zombie. So let's be real, who knows if my ideas will result in a winning team, but they 100% will result in much, much better fan support of the Texas Tech Red Raiders.
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Decide To Throw
The genie is out of the bottle. The Red Raider fans are used to a really fast-paced/action-packed game. It's what they'll pay to see. Unless we stumbled on a Heisman quality running back who constantly broke free for giant gains, Tech fans will check out. Even worse, when you vary from an air-based offense, Tech fans immediately assume that you've lost confidence in the players you've signed and your team. It is bad, bad, bad, to not give the people what they want.
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FInd A Kicker Or Quit Kicking Entirely
I'm sorry to our kicker, he's was not consistent enough to keep the job. It's okay, I can't kick either. We can't all live our fantasy lives. Why not become the team that never kicks? Yep, there are some bad situation it could lead to, but if you got really good at just going for it, it should make up for it in the long run (and note to college sports in general, a conversion should be three points, not two).
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Establish Discipline
"He needs to quit being friends with the team and just coach them". How many times have you heard that phrase? Just because he can relate to the players, it's seen as a lack of discipline that ends up costing us on the field. I think it's possible to be both a coach and a friend (after all isn't that what most Dad's are?). Get the team tighter and sharper and bring back the sandpit if you have to. Do not accept sloppy play and bench people if you have to.
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Quit Fooling With The Uniforms
I'm actually a fan of all of the looks that Texas Tech put out there. I also know that it probably only takes an hour for the Coach to put a check mark beside the ones he likes, and that's if he spends any time at all of them. The problem is, it gives people the impression that priorities are not in order. If you want to impress me with your uniforms, make the players earn the right to have their name on the back of them (once again, discipline).
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Become A Man Of The People
I've addressed this one before. The Coach reminds me of a career politician who's figured out that he can get along as long as he sucks up to the big donors. It's true that the large donors buy big things for the program, but 60,000 fans blow that buying power 100% completely out of the water. During the off-season, the coach should be everywhere, every civic club meeting, every charity and so on. Let's put it this way, have you ever had a friend who was in a local band that you could care less about but you went to the shows because he was your friend? Yeah, it's like that.