Well, FMX listeners, your boy went viral again yesterday. Now, most of you know me and accept me for who I am and what I've done regardless of my opinions. When a blog goes viral though, you get all kinds of interesting characters and keyboard warriors joining the mix.

So with that in mind, there's just a couple things I'd like to address.


Let's start with the fact that I am not on the radio right now. That's why you are reading this instead of listening to this. In fact, I don't think any of this will even make the radio, because I'm all about the funny there and if I can't find a funny angle on this; I won't even use it on air.

The more intelligent of you have already discerned that while connected, the radio content and the internet content are two different things. That said, writing blogs is one of the day-to-day tasks that is in my job description, and like any other person, I have opinions.

You can take those opinions or leave them; I really don't care. I will keep this short because I said what I wanted to in the blog. I just have a few items that I didn't cover that I address in the video below.

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