This is the true story of Animal Cracker porn.

Once upon time, there was Maxim <agazine. It was a cross between a gentleman magazine and Mad Magazine. Maxim then begat Stuff which was focused a little more on humor and irreverent jokes and pictures.  Stuff Magazine had a feature than ran for quite a bit called, "Found Porn".

"Found Porn" wasn't really porn, but rather photographs of things, that when taken out of context, looked a little naughty.  A listener gave me something that I was going to send into "Found Porn", but I never quite got around to it. This all happened around the year 2000 and the magazine folded in 2007.

Chrissy happened to find the box where I kept the item and could not believe that I held onto it for two decades. The item in question is an animal cracker and I'm not sure what's supposed to actually be going on, but it looks like a monkey holding his giant, uh, monkey wiener.


So time has not been kind to the monkey cracker, but doesn't it look like he has a rager that goes up to his chin? Am I the only one seeing this? Sure, the cracker has lost a little definition over the years, but I don't think it's that much of a stretch to see what I was seeing when I saw the cracker.

So now that you've viewed the famous monkey dong cracker (as heard about on the RockShow) don't you feel like you should wash your eyes?

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