Are You Still in the Troll Hole?
Each day when we wake up, we think of rockin'. It sucks when we have to think of something else.
As well as being what you call DJs or-air personalities, we've also been tasked with being writers. We are now "content providers," and we're enormously successful at it (we are seriously industry leaders). With that kind of success comes the fact that we have to deal with trolls. Most of these people mean no harm, and the really mean-spirited ones usually have some completely off-point axe to grind (usually due to their politics -- ugh...boring).
We aren't like the television stations who put up with the trolls to such an extent it's embarrassing. Then again, I guess it can be fun to watch idiots put their foot in their mouth while their heads in theirs asses.
Even then, FMX listeners tend to be awesome and they have been so good to us. The trolls we get tend to be outsiders just looking to stir up trouble, and for that, we smack 'em with the ban hammer on Facebook. We would just rather be loved by a few than liked by many. This has resulted in us being the no. 1 rock station and the no. 1 radio station website in Lubbock.
Have you been banned from our Facebook page? If so, you've probably been reinstated. I don't know that we've really banned anyone forever. We don't even really ban people for their political views. The things that will get you banned are pretty simple, such as making threats, homophobic/racist BS and saying 'I don't listen to FMX' or 'I listen to something else anyway.' Our thought process is pretty simple: we want people to enjoy themselves. If you don't like us, then we don't owe you any space to express that.
Most bans are reinstated after 30 days. If you think you were unfairly banned, then you can email right here and I'll have someone check it out.
I hope we can all work harder to stay civil online and I hope you keep rockin'!
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