Costco’s New Face Mask Policy Should Be Adopted Everywhere

The bodies are piling up, and the COVID-19 vaccine may be months and months away.
Costco has finally had it with claims of "medical exemptions" for masks. So far, I haven't seen a seriously ill person actually claim one of these exemptions; it's mostly trolls and folks who just don't want to comply. So what's up? Get ready, because Costco just changed the game.
Costco has announced that it will require those people who cannot wear masks to wear face shields. That's right, you're either a "Masked Man" or a "Space Boy" if you want to get into Costco. The new policy goes into effect on Monday, and you're just not getting into the store if you don't comply.
Let's also remember that there are other options here, too. Apparently, Costco offers delivery (but I'm not sure if they do curbside). You could also hire someone to go get your stuff for you, or you could even suck it up and throw on a bandana and pretend you care about the human race.
This facemask workaround is the perfect answer for those people who want to claim an exemption, and I'd be stoked to see it implemented in more places. We have just a little bit further to go in our fight, and our resources are wearing thin. We have tents set up outside our Lubbock hospitals, we are way over our COVID-19 bed count, and things could get much, much worse.
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