Does Anyone Really Know How To Make Migas?
Have you every tasted something so good that you've spent a lifetime trying to taste it again?
Around 1988-89 I was in Austin and I went to a new Mexican restaurant for breakfast. On that day I was served an amazing plate of Miga's. No one to this day has come up with a recipe that's even close.
You can correct me if I'm wrong, but Miga's seem to be treated a bit like stew or something, in that what's available is used rather that a real recipe. Now there are probably a thousand folks that read this THINK they make them the right way, but that's how it goes.
Even online, the recipes are really out of synch with each other. First off, do you use lightly fried corn tortillas (like you were about to make enchiladas) or do you use tortilla chips? I guess at this point I should back up and tell you what I remember about the dish. Migas to me is scrambled eggs, the corn tortillas shredded or chopped in some form, chiles or salsa of some type, and cheese all scrambled together.
Heathen and I had some great Migas at United Market Street the other day, but they were covered with a brown enchilada sauce. It's the first time I've tasted them that way. So how do you make Migas? I've collected three recipes for you below and all are different. I didn't try to make them different either, they were the first three that came up. Below that is an actual Mexican cooking lesson (and the lady doesn't use cheese which is another great source of debate).
Migas from The Pioneer Woman
"Austin-Style" Migas from Salt & Wing
Migas from Texas Monthly.
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