FMX Tour Continues [Gallery]
We continue our walk down the halls of FMX.
We have a lot of cool stuff. This time around it's a couple of huge autographed posters and some quickie plaques.
We have such sights to share with you and this is what your stumble on when you leave my office on your way to the front or the FMX control room (I guess I'm getting more specific than I need to, but I want you to feel like you're touring the place).
Maybe once I've lined all this stuff out one by one I'll do a video tour so you can get oriented. In the meantime, check out some of our favorite artists gracing the halls of FMX. At some point, we'll even do a deep dive into the closet. Our property had just been painted prior to the start of the pandemic and we had just slowly started putting stuff back up, so there are piles of stuff just stored right now.