Get Your ‘Alien’ On This October With a Special Lubbock Event
It's hard to believe it's the 40th anniversary of the horror/sci-fi classic, Alien.
Alien is returning to the big screen for its 40th anniversary, and it will be playing at Cinemark movies 16 via Fathom Events.
It wasn't that long ago that I received a complete collection of all of the Alien movies and I made a point out of re-watching them back to back. The short version of my re-watching experience is, you won't believe how well the original Alien holds up.
Meanwhile, Aliens isn't as good as you remember, Alien 3 is better than you remember, Alien Resurrection is garbage, and the last two are actually pretty good. In fact, the only -- and I mean only -- dated thing about the movie is all of the old-school, green-font computer screens.
I cannot recommend checking the movie out enough for a nice October scare. Alien will be hitting up movie screens on October 13th through 15th, and you can pick up tickets here.
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