I think we can all agree that testing for COVID is a good thing, or can we?

The government is ending its free COVID tests this Friday due to a lack of congressional funding. I supposed this couldn't go on forever and with milder strains out there, there's probably a lack of urgency to get it funded again.

Let's talk about you though. Do you want to pay money at the minor emergency or sit in the emergency room waiting for a test? Doesn't it make more sense to have some idea of what's going on with yourself before you take those steps if you can?

I think you're nuts if you don't click through at the bottom of this post and get yourself some free tests while you can. Just having the peace of mind to know what's going on whether it's COVID, the sniffles, or something else makes it worth putting your address in the box. Heck, with mine, it even remembered my address. I completed the whole project in about 15 seconds. It was so quick, I was afraid I did it wrong.

The more people from Lubbock that take advantage of this free testing the better. It means one less of you schmos breathing the hot vapor of disease down my neck at the supermarket. It might mean that you keep yourself from infecting your disease. If nothing else, it will save you time and money on a hospital visit. Get it done, right now!

Get your free COVID tests by mail here!


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