This is an amazing program.

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Werbefuzzy68 from Pixabay/874">Pixabay./
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Werbefuzzy68 from Pixabay/874">Pixabay./


The Facts

Let's look at some facts from the National Fire Protection Association.

*Your chances of dying in a house fire are cut by a half when you have a smoke detector.

*More than a third of the fire deaths happen in houses with no smoke detectors.

*Nearly three out of five deaths happen in houses with no, or non-working smoke detectors.


This is also a great wakeup up call for some of you that have smoke detectors to take the time to test them and/or check the batteries. Things happen. Batteries lose their charge, you may have painted over a sensor, there might have been some type of shift in the unit that is preventing it from operating properly. Take the time to check your detector(s) and if you don't have the cash to replace them, then maybe it's time you applied to be a part of this program.

They're Really Free

Lubbock residents can get hooked up with free smoke detectors courtesty of Lubbock Fire Rescue, the American Red Cross and the City of Lubbock Community Development program. To qualify all you have to do it live within the boundaries of the Hub City and fill out a short form.

Way To Get In Touch

There are actual multiple ways to get in touch and be a part of the program. You can go to or this link on the City Of Lubbock portal. You can call 311 and talk to someone who help facilitate your request. You can also tap in via the MyLBK App (it took me less than 30 seconds to download the app and click through to the program).

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