Hub City Comic Con’s Final Special Guests List Is Massive & Awesome
This year's Hub City Comic Convention is insane.
In addition to a big Fortnite cash tournament, an Escape Room a maid cafe and so much more, the list of special guests has something for nerds of all stripes. Just take a look:
- Overwatch voice actor Carolina Ravassa
- WWE Hall of Famer Booker T
- The Take One Improv comedy group
- Neko Squared Maid Cafe and Escape Room
- Cosplayer Mika Nicole
- Cosplayer Dee Rich
- MCubed Cosplay
- R Squared Cosplay
- Battleborn cosplay
- Cosplayer Alecta Arcana
- Smart Cosplay
- NYT Best-selling author A.G. Howard
- 'Dragon Ball' voice actor Stephanie Nadolny (Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT)
- 'Adult Swim' voice actor George Lowe (Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Robot Chicken)
- KCBD news anchor and author Karen McCay
- Anime voice actor & content creator Cory J. Phillips
- Poet Laureate William Wenthe
- Author Libbi Duncan
- Roxas Studios cosplay photography
- Tugg the Dog
- David Fielding, Zordon, from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
- Karan Ashley, Aisha, the second Yellow Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
- Walter E. Jones, Zack, the first Black Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
- Austin St. John, Jason, the first Red Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
The 2018 Hub City Comic Con goes down Friday, August 24th through Sunday, August 26th at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center. Tickets are available at their website.