You might think 4th Of July is pretty big around here, then again you might not get out much.

Image by Bruno from Pixabay/nessmania/pixlr
Image by Bruno from Pixabay/nessmania/pixlr


While attempts to celebrate 4th of July locally are appreciated, they fall short of making Lubbock a real destination for the holiday. For the most part, you have one choice of festivities to enjoy, maybe one and a half if you consider the celebration that happens around, but not on, the 4th at Buffalo Springs Lake.

The Survey

A new Wallethub survey shows Lubbock at #79 out of 100 places to celebrate the 4th of July. The towns were ranked according to "Affordability", "Attractions and Activities", and "Safety and Accessibility". Lubbock did not do well in any category, but tanked especially hard in the "Attractions and Activities" category coming in 92 out of 100.

The Metrics

The survey took into account smaller categories ranging from "Length Of Fireworks Display" to "Crime Rate" and so much more. It is, in fact, very hard to ever argue with all of the research that goes into one of this surveys. Basically, all opinion is stripped out of the process and tons of facts are poured in to come to the final conclusions.

And In The End...

So how about it? Is Lubbock that bad of a place to celebrate the 4th? Well, you can't, or aren't supposed to even have fireworks in the city limits. There is the one celebration that's kind of the same thing over and over. It is generally way too hot to really enjoy the holiday here and there are almost no places short of "near your sprinkler" to cool off.

West Texas Delicious: Eats Exclusively Available In Lubbock

If you're looking to take an out-of-towner to get delicious food a drinks that are unique to Lubbock, this is the list for you. This is also a great place to start if you've recently moved here, or are a Lubbock "completist" like myself.

Gallery Credit: Renee Raven

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