There are certain times of years that bring on Pavlovian responses and an energy of their own. I'm going with Halloween, the first day of school and pancake festival time in Lubbock.


Our friends at the Lubbock Lions will be flippin' the hotcakes on Saturday, February 18th this year.

Of course, you'll see me manning a grill first thing in the morning. I like to get it good and going before the politicians and real VIPs show up. I just like cooking for people and I love the pancake breakfast. It's one of the few events that brings our community together.

It looks like this year's tickets are $6 in advance and $7 at the door. For that, you get all-you-can-eat pancakes, sausages and orange drink. You can also upgrade to bacon, coffee and more. It's always smart to bring a few extra bucks along in case you decide to take things to the next level. I will also say that that $6-7 will keep you full for two meals, if not all day.

Join us this year for the food and fun. I'll be there when the doors open!

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