Lubbock Beats Austin Hands Down in This Category
Lubbock and Austin have always had quite a rivalry.
I've always felt like the Lubbock/Austin rivalry was kind of one-sided. I've lived in both cities, and while people in Lubbock like to trash talk Austin on the reg, I don't remember people in Austin even mentioning Lubbock.
In addition to our political differences, we have the sport aspects of a rivalry that surface once in a while. While you can see a lot of Longhorns gear around town, most Lubbockites side with our own Red Raiders when game time comes around.
So, where does Lubbock dominate Austin? The answer is: STD rates. Lubbock comes in at 38th in the U.S., while Austin got 56th in the U.S. Oh, wait. This isn't a good thing.
Lubbock and Austin didn't win the title of the nastiest cities in Texas, though. Killeen and Waco beat out Lubbock, knocking us down to the bronze medal.
Sorry for getting your hopes up about the Hub City beating Austin. I just couldn't think of a better way to tell you to wash your nasty business and wear a condom.