We have another "Code Orange" for you.

Image by Alexa from Pixabay
Image by Alexa from Pixabay

Is It Early?

It sure seems like the prime Halloween indicators landed early this year.  We now have all three locations of Spirit Halloween Stores with "Coming Soon" posters up. I've also noticed in the past that the three places most likely to have Halloween items early are Joanne's Fabrics, Ross For Less, and At Home. The winner this year is At Home. From candles to giant skeletons and everything in between, the shelves are already being stocked with a bunch of Halloween items.

It's Here

At Home's shelves are far from completely stocked, but they already have an impressive amount of items on display. You can also see any number of boxes ready to go. For us Halloween freaks, we'll take whatever we can get in late June, and there's plenty to choose from. I'd like to stress that this is not an add for the store, it's just Halloween excitement the same way a kid might get excited at the site of a Christmas tree.

The Highlights

Just to get you into the Halloween spirit I've put together a small gallery of pictures of the things you can go buy in Lubbock right now. It's just a sampling, but let this lift your Halloween spirits a bit. I'm sure you'll find an item or two that will peak your interest.

Halloween Stuff '24!

Gallery Credit: Nessmania!

27 Lubbock Restaurants People Swear They Can't Live Without

Scroll through this gallery and make sure you've eaten at all of them! If you haven't, the time is NOW!

Gallery Credit: Chrissy

Lubbock Folks Reveal: Major Restaurant Red And Green Flags

When it comes to going out to eat, we have plenty of options here in Lubbock. Here are the make-or-break green and red flags that influence our decision.

Gallery Credit: Renee Raven

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