Every year, that "one guy" and his creepy friends try to disrupt Lubbock Pride, the solution to this is absolutely amazing.

Image by José Augusto Camargo from Pixabay/Image by Franz P. Sauerteig from Pixabay
Image by José Augusto Camargo from Pixabay/Image by Franz P. Sauerteig from Pixabay

It Cost

After consulting with Lubbock P.D. (who have been amazing at keeping the peace at these events) Lubbock Pride has decided to institute a $1 charge this year. This is not a money grab or anything of the sort. By making this a "paid" event, Lubbock Pride can keep protestors and other unwanted people outside of the barricades.

The Creepers

You may not like Pride (although it sure would be cooler if you did), but you are probably a good enough human that you're not going to go out of your way to disturb those people who want to celebrate. This is not the case for everyone. One fringe-church/pastor in particular makes it a habit to try to upset the people there. I don't know why they haven't figure it out, they aren't making Pride better, they are making religion look worse.

The Fee

If you don't have a dollar, then find a friend. I'm certain someone would be more than willing to pony up that dollar for you. I plan on paying for a bunch of people! Lubbock Pride has also made the decision to use the dollars collected for their scholarship fund.

Make The Jump

If you're on the fence about the Pride event, then let me tell you that TV, movies, and news have given you the completely wrong idea. Pride, at least in Lubbock, is a cool street festival full of love, food, and cool merchandise.  You can get more details on this years event, right here.

West Texas Delicious: Eats Exclusively Available In Lubbock

If you're looking to take an out-of-towner to get delicious food a drinks that are unique to Lubbock, this is the list for you. This is also a great place to start if you've recently moved here, or are a Lubbock "completist" like myself.

Gallery Credit: Renee Raven

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Kick back on the patio of one of these popular local hangs.

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