This is not a good look for the Hub City.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Looking At Lubbock

Looking out our third-story window it's hard to believe that it's just chaos out there. Lubbock looks peaceful, serene, and quite frankly a little boring from sky high. A new study shows that it's actually pretty wild out there and we should probably take notice.

The Study

This 2024 compilation of stats by outlines the top ten most dangerous cities in Texas and Lubbock takes the top spot. The study adds up crime as published to The Texas Uniform Crime Reporting Program so the results are undeniable. With many studies, only a certain amount of cities are included, this study has results from over 1200 Texas cities.

The Problem

A full-on 10% increase in crime between the years of 2020-21 drove Lubbock to the top of the list. Lubbock also has a 11.18 violent crime rate which is honing in on being three times the average violent crime rate in Texas of 4.32 and the national average of 3.81. Looking further, this means that you have better than a 1 in 100 chance of being a victim of a violent crime in Lubbock.

The Problem Part 2

Lubbock continues to take lumps with 45 property crimes for every 1,000 persons, meaning four and a half people out of every 100 will suffer a property crime. The survey gives a "best guess" type of reason for all of this and it's "meth trafficking and drug abuse".

Other Studies

There are many ways to take this information from the Texas Uniform Crime Report and many studies that come out of it. Another survey claims Lubbock ranks as the third most dangerous city.  Somehow that doesn't make things seem any better for the Hub City.


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