Something Is Seriously Wrong With Voting In Texas
Texas has been called on the carpet again, this time for gerrymandering.
Gerrymandering is a process of drawing voting district lines so it favors one side or another. They can do this by looking up zip codes to see which ones favor their side and then map things out accordingly. There are other ways to do it too, but none of that matters. What matters is that it's patently unfair and not how you think voting works.
I don't even know you, but I know you believe in one vote, one person, then the majority rules. You believe that when, for instance, your neighborhood votes, you are voting as a neighborhood and that you're all deciding together what's best for you. Nope. That's not how it works.
In many cases, some voters are intentionally included or not included in what you think is your neighborhood so that the nature of the votes could be influenced.
These attempts to influence the vote by using zoning tracks are un-American. Let's face it, so are Texas' voter ID laws, which are shaped in such a way that a college ID isn't accepted to let you vote, but a concealed handgun ID is (explain that one to me).
All of this is coming to a head now because of a ruling out of San Antonio that says, in effect, that district lines were drawn to minimize the impact of the Latino vote and that of Democrats at large. This one is probably headed to the Supreme Court, but we could avoid all that. We could get back to one vote, one person, majority rules.
No tricks, no nonsense, just democracy.
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