Have you ever walked past a leaky water faucet and said, "someone should fix that", only to come back time and time again to find it still leaking?  Well, forgive the water on water analogy, but since the same places in Lubbock keep flooding, why don't they ever fix them?

Google Maps. You can catch fish by hand here after a big rain.
Google Maps. You can catch fish by hand here after a big rain.

So, why aren't these areas ever looked into? I'm not real sure. Let's keep in mind, though, that the streets themselves are the cities "storm-water plan". That's a thing, and you're taxed on it. We'll get back to that some other time, though.  There are three areas that always seem to have trouble. Let's have a peaky-peak, shall we?

1.  Quaker & 66th, and Quaker and the South Loop. This area has been flooding as long as I've been in Lubbock. Seriously, dig some holes or something. We've had fish in the road on 66th any number of times. This one is ridiculous.

2. The Interstate and North Loop. There are one or two places over here that are routinely submerged when we get a heavy rain. All you have to do is drive the Interstate in the area and you'll see that you're in a big, open-ended swimming pool

3. The Marsha Sharp Freeway, especially at University. Hopefully, we can blame this engineering on an A&M grad or something. There is NO reason why a major freeway built in the last decade should be subject to frequent flooding. It's an embarrassment.

None of these are probably news to you or anyone that's spent any time in the Hub City. That's the point. We've easily identified three problem areas, why isn't anything being done about them?


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