It's time for a new game called "Who said it?"  On one side we have conservative presidential candidate Ted Cruz, on the other, deranged serial killer Charles Manson.

In fairness, all of these sentences are taken out of context and for that, I apologize to Mr. Manson...uh, I mean Mr. Cruz.  Despite being out of context, all are real things that either the crazy or the candidate said. So, take your best shot at each one and decide whether it was Cruz or Charlie.  And away we go...........

1. “Yes! Your world is on fire!”

2. "We're not in Wonderland anymore Alice."

3.  "I am a very, very proud wacko bird.”

4. "The real strong have no need to prove it to the phonies."

5. "I was bitten by an octopus."

6. "Getting up every day and going through this again and again is hard."

Scroll past the picture for the answer.

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Getty Images

This was set up pretty easy, all the odd quotes, 1, 3 & 5 belong to Ted Cruz (I have no idea why or how he was bitten by an octopus). All the even, 2, 4, & 6 were quotes from Charles Manson.  Thanks for playing!  (Most of these quotes can be found here)

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