Why Do People Throw Things at Lubbock Events?

So why do people throw things at games and events?
Two student sections were cleared at the Texas Tech-Iowa State game last week. The profanities were one thing, but the projectiles sealed their fate.
Lubbock also used to have a giant problem of people throwing things at concerts. It even led to one band, which was huge at the time, walking off the stage. It also led to another band being forced to cancel during a show because a flying beer hit their mixing board and shorted everything out.
We have a culture of throwing stuff here, and it extends far beyond Texas Tech. I've been pondering it a bit and I think it comes down to two intertwined things: I think it's a (bad) way for people to connect with the entertainment, and a way of saying 'hey, look at me.'
Texas Tech did step up and make an online announcement reminding fans that this is bad behavior, and that message didn't go over too well. Texas Tech has a real tall order in front of it now because the Big 12 is going to be on high alert and I don't see fans backing off their tortilla throwing anytime soon. Texas Tech is going to have to get as serious as Rosa's about tortillas without alienating their fanbase.
I'm sure right now you're thinking, 'it was a can and water bottles that got us penalties.' Yes, but it's the culture of throwing anything that leads to the problems.
I'm not a fan of snitching anytime, but I'm not down with people costing us games or concerts either. It's time to tell the people who throw stuff to chill or turn them over to security.
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