Why Don’t You Have Your Free Purple Spot Yet?
I'll bet I've given away 100,000 stickers in my lifetime. Now I get to give you one without even seeing you in person.
I'm actually talking about the FMX app for your phone. How cool is it to look at your home screen and see the purple spot just sitting there. It gets better than that too. That purple spot gets you direct access to all of our streaming and online features. It's cool; if you hear about a story on the air, or what to find out about a show, you just hit the app. You don't have to open a browser and search for our site or anything. It's all right there, optimized for your smart phone.
There are great features too. If you want notifications, you can have them. If you want to decide when to find out stuff, you can easily turn them off. There's really no strings attached with this app. You can pop over to the weather, enter a contest and all kinds of stuff. This app works FOR you.
Just head over to your app store and search KFMX (don't forget that K) and it will come right up. You're all good for I-Phones, I-Pads and Androids. We've already had one contest for people who've downloaded it and there are more to come.