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Texas weather is wilder than hell and we've all been through the wringer the last few weeks.

One second it's sunny and 85, the next it's 23 degrees and snowing. You may wear a big coat and boots to work with your heater blasting in the morning only to be peeling off layers of clothing throughout the day and switching to shorts as soon as you get home.

Here are some of the funniest ways Texans have described our ridiculous weather on TikTok. Enjoy!

This guy couldn't be more right. I've definitely felt those vibes the last couple of days.

Yes. Exactly, Texas Tom -- you are correct. Don't forget to wrap your pipes.

We don't have enough cold weather to really invest much in big fancy winter coats. Layers are key. If you see me looking extra top-heavy, it's the layers, not the pizza. I'm sticking to my story.

It's always a joy to never quite know WTF you're supposed to wear each day.

It seems to happen so quickly. How is it this weird here?

This girl cracked me up. I don't want to wear pants either. Screw pants!

We don't mind staying home on snow days. In fact, we LOVE them. Everyone needs a day cuddled up by the fire every once in a while.

This guy is not wrong. This was totally Lubbock last week.

Who needs school when you can build a muddy snowman?

Whatever this dance is, I hope the weather gods are pleased and will leave us the hell alone for a little bit. Come back sun -- we miss you!



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