Governor Greg Abbott Is Struggling to Stay Relevant

I don't want to write about this guy. I truly don't.
I'd be happy to never write about our governor again. I don't care about politics; I just want my friends, family and listeners to be healthy and happy. Unfortunately, in a struggle to stay relevant, Governor Greg Abbott is pulling more nonsense that I believe directly affects the health of Texans at large.
Governor Abbott has issued a new executive order against "government-mandated vaccine passports in Texas." Let's start with the fact that this was an idea floated by health professionals and was unlikely to every be enacted. Let's also finish by saying, if the federal government makes it so, there's not a dang thing Abbott can do about it.
This is just another weak attempt to whine about "government overreach" when there is none being presented. Don't you think he could still make this same proclamation if the idea was actually set to be enacted? Instead, Abbott is telling you that there's an invisible dragon chasing you and he's the only one that can stop it.
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This nonsense is a one-two punch after Abbott attempted yesterday to intervene in Georgia's business and politics by refusing to throw out the first pitch at a Rangers game, all the while with his lips firmly planted on their rears.
So why does this matter? It matters because it helps to minimize the very real health risks associated with travel and gives the loons out there one more reason not to behave in a safe manner when travelling.
I hope I never have to write about this guy again, but he will do anything at this point to try to get people to forget that Texans froze to death on his watch. The governor needs to fix the power grid and the freeways and quit worrying about stuff that just doesn't matter.
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