COVID-19 Vaccinations at the Lubbock Civic Center Will End in 3 Weeks
Is this a good sign?
I can say unequivocally that the vaccinations at the Lubbock Civic Center are the finest example of city management that I have personally ever witnessed. Everything there went smoother than silk. The volunteers, the first responders, the city staff and even the Select-a-Seat system performed at the highest level possible and the most crucial time. At a time when people were at their most nervous, the level of professionalism was unmatched.
And now it's ending.
You only have about three weeks left before the Lubbock Civic Center closes as an COVID-19 immunization site. A decision has been made to move resources out into the community as mass vaccinations will continue. You will be able to be vaccinated in some drug stores as well as other pop-up sites.
I would still recommend that you visit the Lubbock Civic Center if you have time. If you remember, the Civic Center was built when everyone pulled together after tornados tore Lubbock apart. It's only fitting that it was the Civic Center that brought us back together with these vaccinations. It's hard to acknowledge that you are a part of history, but you are. This has been one of the greatest challenges ever, and certainly one that will go in the history books.
You can still book for a Moderna vaccine right now with the city. I'd also like to post a little fact I learned today. Some people might say, "why get the vaccine when I can still get COVID?" In Michigan, only .0144 percent of the people who very vaccinated still got COVID-19. That number really speaks to the effectiveness of the vaccine.
Thank you again to the City of Lubbock for doing an excellent job fighting this public health threat.